Can’t be arsed

Haven’t written for over 2 weeks. I’m back at work and that place is rapidly sapping my desire to do anything. I still managed to get in a few long runs last week, including an 11 miler and  a PB at parkrun. However, work is killing me. My back hurts, my feet hurt and my knees hurt.

It’s doesn’t help I fell runnjng last Wednesday and ripped my hands to shreds. Everything I do in work is twice as painful. (In a manager in a Tesco Express store and my day consists of walking 6miles upwards a day around the store and warehouse while off loading delivery from trucks and working approx 30+ cages of stock with my team). This teamed with 4am wake up and I don’t feel primed to run the World Half Saturday.

Yes im in a negative mindset and no it isn’t helping.  Runnjng usually drags me out of this frame of mind but in so exhausted it feels like a chore. What I am hoping will happen is I will settle back into work and become a conditioned robot who can exist on little sleep, very little nutritional goodness throughout the day and little rest. I’m hoping I will shake off its funk and get my joyous mojo back…..


Lets hope olé that happens by Saturday

4 thoughts on “Can’t be arsed

  1. Well that truly sucks, wondered where you’d been. You won’t lose your mojo in such a short time, you’ve already got the miles in your legs and its taper week anyway 😉 Go gettem! *waves pom poms*


  2. Ive not stopped runnjng managed to rack up some pretty good Milage but my fight for a PB had disappeared lol.
    Made myself wrote last night as in a mind funk and have been consumed with the pretty displaying of tinned peas lol!

    Thanks for support Gareth. You running it?

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